Please complete this checklist before leaving your car at drop-off location
Vehicle Check
Before you leave for your trip make sure that your vehicle is in good running order and can make the trip without issues. This includes checking the tires, filling up fluids, checking brakes and battery, etc.
Leave an unpdated copy of your insurance and registration in an easy to find loaction.
Due to the inherent risks associated with long distance river shuttles, and to keep prices competitive, all shuttle companies (Frank Church River Shuttles included) do not have the ability to insure customer vehicles. We highly recommend getting full coverage on your vehicle for the duration of your trip and informing your insurance company that you vehicle is being shuttled. All clients are required to sign a hold harmless agreement before we drive your vehicle. All damages and/or accidents are the sole responsibility of the owner of the vehicle.
Heading to put in
Please fill your vehicle before heading to put in (Any vehicles requiring additional gas before reaching the nearest gas station will be billed a premium)
Leave $100 in each vehicle for gas for the shuttle, we will leave a receipt and your change
If a tip is left, please specify how much and separate it from your gas money
Please ensure your keys are stashed in the location you indicated when booking
Remember to bring your spare keys with you on your trip unless otherwise specified! Your keys will be locked in your car at takeout!
Secure your valuables or leave them at home! Frank Church River Shuttles is not responsible for lost or stolen items.